(the interview)
1. who are you?
I am a mixed media artist - these days primarily working with fiber arts and textiles.
A Los Angeles native, I love my home state of California and am passionate about the
environment and the issue of textile waste in our world.
I use collected and repurposed/reused textiles together in my work - combining them in a celebration of nature and the peace that can be found there.
I am also the mother of three, a high school art teacher, a world traveler and have been married to my best friend for 23 years.
2. what is the title of your piece?
3. what's the inspiration behind your piece?
My inspiration was to take what I was given and to make something that felt like it had
grown naturally and wildly. Like it was something that I might have stumbled upon, growing in an imaginary forest
4. what medium did you use?
I used only the jeans and pants that were provided by KanCan as well as a little bit of quilt padding and thread
5. what does denim mean to you?
Like most textiles, denim has an uncanny ability to hold memory. But our modern culture has adopted jeans as the ultimate casual wear - in California, it sometimes even constitutes dresswear =) - but there is an especially beautiful thing about worn denim (especially for someone who works often with used denim) in the way it conforms to the shape of the wearer. The wrinkles, creases and worn areas that happen based on the user - where they carried their phone or wallet, the shape of their body - that makes denim even more responsive to the user. When I work with denim, I think about the person that wore the clothing I am working with, the places they wore the denim and the very humanity of that experience.
6. what do you think about when you create?
I strive very hard to get to zero waste in my work, so I am often thinking about making beauty from what is left behind. Part of my work is making
memorial pieces for families from the clothing and textiles of their loved ones, so there is definitely a reaching for creating beauty
in the midst of grief and pain.
follow her journey @LIBERTYWORTHART